Excellent People Are Saying Excellent Things About Expeditions to Excellence!
Tested & Proven:
Excerpts from the Extensive Evaluation of the Expeditions to Excellence Reading Program
Final Report
A Study Completed by John B. Cooney, Ph.D., Professor of Psychological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado, JBlanden Associates, November 29, 2009
The purpose of this evaluation was to conduct a focused study of the impact of the Expeditions to Excellence reading program on the development of essential early literacy and reading skills in grades K-3.
The target population for the evaluation was comprised of students enrolled in online, charter, and public school programs in Colorado. In addition, two parochial schools were included in a separate analysis.
Outcome Measures
Educational outcomes of the curriculum were measured using the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS). The DIBELS measures were derived from the Curriculum-Based Measurement system developed at the University of Minnesota[1]. The general view of the scientific community, such as the National Reading Panel, is that the DIBELS are reliable and valid measures predictive of early reading difficulties and later reading fluency. The measures were developed to be sensitive to the improvement of literacy skills, especially among children from economically disadvantaged and diverse backgrounds. The DIBELS measures administered in this evaluation included the following:
- ISF – Initial Sounds Fluency – A measure of students’ ability to recognize and produce the initial sound in an orally presented word
- LNF – Letter Naming Fluency – A measure of students’ ability to name letters of the alphabet presented in lower- and upper-case.
- PSF – Phoneme Segmentation Fluency – A measure of students’ ability to segment three- and four-phoneme words into their individual phonemes.
- NWF – Nonsense Word Fluency – A measure of students’ knowledge of letter-sound correspondence and the ability to blend letters into words in which letters represent their most common sounds
- ORF – DIBELS Oral Reading Fluency – A measure of students’ fluency (i.e., without hesitation, omissions, or other errors) for reading a passage aloud
- RTF – Retell Fluency – A measure of student’s reading comprehension.
- One additional optional measure, Word Use Fluency, was not administered.
Evaluation Design
DIBELS measures were administered to students in participating schools beginning with the Winter 2008 assessment, and continuing through Spring 2008, Fall 2008, and Winter 2009. Start dates for the experimental curriculum were staggered to begin in January of 2008 or August – September 2008. Charter schools were randomly assigned to one of the two different start dates. Schools rather than classrooms were the units of assignment to minimize contamination of students in the control schools. Teachers often share resources within a school and students can be heard singing the songs from the Singing Place. Students in both parochial schools were assigned to the fall 2008 start group and will be the focus of a separate longitudinal investigation concerning the maintenance of reading proficiency over the summer break.
Teachers were encouraged to implement all components of the reading system as intended by the program developers; however, no attempt was made to standardize the implementation of the reading program. To understand the fidelity of implementing the reading program, surveys were distributed to the participating teachers to collect information about the components of the reading system that were implemented, the number of days per week students interacted with the materials, the amount of time each day that students interacted with the materials and students’ use of the materials at home.
Measures of Program Impact
The metric used to evaluate the impact of the reading program is effect size[2]. Effect size standardizes the difference between the means of two groups that have different standard deviations (spread of scores)[3]. The advantage of using effect size over statistical significance testing is that effect size addresses the question “how well does the program work” rather than the question “does the program work?” Because effect size is expressed as the standard deviation of a normal distribution, it easy to interpret; it tells us where the average student in the experimental group stands relative to the students in the control group. An effect size of 0 indicates that the experimental and control groups are identical. An effect size of .3 (three-tenths of one standard deviation) indicates that the average student in the experimental group scored higher than 62% (two-thirds) of all students in the control group. An effect size of .5 (one-half standard deviation) means that the average student in the experimental group scored higher than approximately 70% of all students in the control group. An effect size of 1.0 means the average student in the experimental group scored higher than 84% of the students in the control group.
Students in first-grade and second-grade classrooms using the Expeditions to Excellence reading program scored higher across all grade-appropriate DIBELS measures. Furthermore, the gains in reading skills were preserved when students had two school terms of experience with the materials relative to students who only one school term of experience. That finding, that positive outcomes occur without standardizing the implementation, suggests that the reading program is robust in the field and does not require high levels of training to implement effectively.
In addition to the program outcomes noted in the evaluation, the importance of implementing a curriculum based measurement system, such as the DIBELS into schools cannot be underestimated. Frequent measurement of the essential components of reading and literacy are a best practice that is overwhelmingly supported by the scientific literature on reading. Frequent assessment is a powerful tool that allows teachers to fine-tune instruction in reading at the individual student level. To the extent that this project has institutionalized the use of frequent assessment, it is a successful step to improving instruction for all participants.
[1] Deno, S. L. & Fuchs, L. S. (1987). Developing curriculum-based measurement systems for data based special education problem solving. Focus on Exceptional Children, 19(8), 1- 15.
[2] Hedges, L. V. & Olkin, I. (1985) Statistical Methods for Meta-Analysis, New York: Academic Press.
[3] , where is the mean of the experimental group, is the mean of the control group and SDpooled is the combined standard deviation of both groups
Loved by Parents and Teachers!
Finally there is a phonics program that is systematic and progressive that is founded on effective researched-based techniques. It is a comprehensive program that is ideal for anyone, including adults, children, and individuals with learning disabilities, who are learning to read. The learner does not need to have writing skills in order to use Expeditions to Excellence. The program incorporates a variety of learning strategies that reinforce each lesson through the use of flash cards, games, and music. Expeditions to Excellence is easy to use and can be implemented in the home or at school. As an educator, who works with children with special needs, I would highly recommend using Expeditions to Excellence phonics program for both parents and teachers.
Kara Reagon, Ph.D. BCBA-D
Expeditions to Excellence has been such a gift to my family. As a mother of three, it is difficult to balance our family’s time to meet everyone’s needs. We want to spend quality time together but I also need to teach my little ones the skills they need to grow and succeed, all while managing our household. This phonics program has given me the tools to teach my kids to read, but also allows us to do it TOGETHER. Our parent/child relationship is strengthened as we explore and learn about reading together. The lessons are outlined so clearly and easily that, even on my most hectic days, I can still manage a reading adventure. Teaching your child to read can be such an overwhelming task, but Expeditions to Excellence has taken all the guesswork out and given my family a fun and productive way to learn to read AND spend quality time together. I don’t know who was more excited at the end of ‘Power Reader 1,’ my 4 year old or me! I treasure the memory of watching my child’s face light up as she read her first word, sentence, page and then book. I am so thankful to Expeditions to Excellence for allowing me to share this journey with my children.
Megan Billinger, mother of Macy, Joey, and Brooks
In my nine years of classroom teaching, I have taught children with a wide range of abilities in reading. This is the most comprehensive and adaptable program I have seen.</strong> <strong>It uses visual, auditory, and kinesthetic methods to encourage practice, regardless of learning style. It is a phonetic approach that emphasizes reading comprehension. Expeditions to Excellence uses a fun, “safari” theme that guides children through vocabulary words, site word recognition, spelling, grammar rules, and short stories. Each level builds on previously learned skills and rules, and uses reinforcement to ensure success. The guide carefully moves the instructor and students through the skills. The CD and songbook allow the practice and reinforcement of grammatical rules. Each level has games that can be played by 2 or more children. The games are fun, easy to follow, and colorfully illustrated. Each level’s practice book is comprised only of vocabulary from the current and previous lessons, so the child’s self-esteem increases from each level to the next. Each book culminates with a “Conversation Station”, which allows the teacher to check the child’s comprehension of the story. It also facilitates natural conversations between the child and instructor. Because Expeditions to Excellence is so well organized, it can be taught by anyone, not just professional teachers. The curriculum is effective for one-on-one instruction as well as for small and large groups of children. Home-practice components also help encourage collaboration between parents and teachers. Any child would feel successful in this program. Expeditions to Excellence would be an asset to any school or home and is a definite “must have” for any primary teacher.
Liz Atkerson, M.Ed. Curriculum and Instruction, Certified Reading Instructor
It is with great pleasure that I am writing to recommend the Expeditions to Excellence Reading program. I have my Masters in Special Education and an Undergraduate degree in Elementary Education. I have taught both in the regular classroom and in special education for 14 years. In this time, I have seen the pendulum swing from one extreme to the other in philosophies of best practices in reading instruction. After viewing and sampling the Expeditions to Excellence reading program, I highly recommend using it both in the regular classroom with typical children, and in the special education setting for students with special needs.
Expeditions to Excellence is the most complete program I have seen. It is a very phonetic approach to teaching reading. However, unlike other phonetic programs, reading strategies, comprehension, and retell are also included in this program. Without these components, students are just reading words on a page with little or no meaning. Reading for meaning is important. The comprehension and retell questions in the back of each book help assess the student’s comprehension after reading. The Conversation Station in the back of each book is a helpful tool to expand children’s vocabulary and get to know the student’s background of information. It is fun and kid friendly. Comprehension questions guide the “teacher” to gain information from the student as to their connections of the story they just read. The program offers a very systematic and developmental approach to teaching reading through phonics. The easy to follow guide and expeditions offers more than enough ideas to use with students.
I have never seen a more complete, developmentally appropriate program. The data collection and assessments has been made easy to follow and collect for teacher/parent communication. The versatility of this program is its strength. It could be used for one-on-one instruction or whole group. It can be used with students with special needs or the typical child. It can also be used successfully as an at-home program. You do not need an education background to use this program successfully. The easy to follow directions, the CD with sample lessons, and the Reading Place guide makes it easy for anyone to follow.
The Creme de la creme of the program is the CD, which includes songs that go with many lessons and the games that included in the Expeditions. The songs help reinforce phonics rules that have been introduced. It is a well-known fact that children love music. Children learn through music. The catchy tunes would help any student remember some of our crazy language rules. The games can be played in partners or small groups. They are easy to follow and can be played over and over to reinforce skills. Music and games make it fun to learn how to read! All in all, you cannot get a more complete package for reading instruction. It could be used for teaching reading or as a review of concepts already taught. The game boards could be used for extensions for students that have mastered a concept.
Every classroom should have the Expeditions to Excellence reading program to be used as needed. Every special education room should have one as one more tool in their toolbox for teaching struggling readers. Parents with a child who struggles to learn how to read should own one. Victoria and Gary Beck have thought of everything! Expeditions to Excellence is the up and coming approach to teaching reading!
Cindi Leitch, Masters in Special Education, Undergraduate Degree in Elementary Education
As a primary classroom teacher of 30 years, I am thrilled to find a new phonics reading program that is so enchanting, complete and educationally sound. Expeditions to Excellence is a very well organized and systematic approach to phonics and reading for children of all ages to build a solid foundation for reading fluency. It’s perfectly designed for family or tutoring use or as an excellent supplement to any classroom language arts program. The safari theme throughout the program adds a sense of adventure for young readers. I’m excited to find that all of the components to address every learning style are included in the kit. The books, games, flashcards, songs and the simple directed lessons provide an exciting adventure as well as step-by-step success. Students learn to take charge of their learning by monitoring their own progress on “The Safari Success Trail”. I’m especially fond of the “Conversation Station” activities in each lesson. It’s a non-threatening way to ensure comprehension and make connections to the text as well as build schema. What a perfect opportunity for the quality one-on-one time. The variety and quality of the musical arrangement is fabulous; the songs definitely teach phonics and developmental concepts. This Expeditions to Excellence program creates an enthusiasm for learning that is contagious!
Lynette Wegley, Second Grade Teacher
I enjoyed your demonstration of the Expeditions to Excellence learning program. It has been a privilege to witness your development of this program over the last few years. Thank you for that opportunity. Your commitment and hard work have certainly paid off and resulted in an innovative, exciting program that incorporates all the basic information children need for learning in an entertaining, multicultural format. The creative, colorful aspect of your program with the excellent music element will appeal to children of all ages. The musical portions of the presentation were particularly engaging and energizing. I could hardly sit still!
Carole Kaiser, Principal, Grades K-2
I have seen many presentations of educational material at all levels during my 20 years on serving on the Douglas County School Board and I must say that your presentation of the materials you have incorporated in the program for reading and writing is the most well considered and comprehensive I have EVER seen!!!!!
It was my impression that you have gathered many of the best features of the proven reading programs and presented them in a very cogent and ‘do-able’ format for kids of all abilities. Incorporating the singing as a strategy will also allow another segment of auditory learners to be reached. I encourage you to continue your efforts to make this available to as many challenged learners as possible. The materials are very professional and comprehensive in scope as well as reasonable in cost. Go for it!!!!!
Jack Christensen, Cherry Hills Education Foundation, Douglas County School Board
You have incorporated the best that education has to offer in a very user-friendly product. The quality of the materials, the ease of use, the unique components of the kit – all of the these and so many more elements of your program make this one of the most exciting educational products that I have seen in my 35 years in education. As superintendent of the largest private school in the Denver area, I can say, unequivocally, that you program has the potential to help literally thousands of children not only learn how to read, but love reading in the process.
Glen Goldie, Executive Director, Maranatha Christian Schools, Superintendent of Schools, Preschool-Grade 12, Former Superintendent for Cherry Hills Christian Schools
I found your innovative program an exciting and valuable teaching tool for various groups of students. Thinking back to my years teaching kindergarten, the musical CDs offered with your kit would be a superb tool for teaching beginning readers phonics and spelling rules in a fun, entertaining way. This is a wonderful musical, multicultural presentation of phonics, spelling rules, and basic information all children need as a foundation for future learning. It is entertaining for all audiences. I believe God has given you great insight to meeting the needs of struggling students and I am excited to watch your program develop and enrich the lives of students around the world.
Linda Wasem, Principal, Grades 3-5
As a special educator, I’ve spent many years looking for sound, comprehensive reading programs that are actually good for kids. I really appreciate your efforts and believe you have created a very high quality program that incorporates all the components of effective reading instruction (and even includes things I’ve never seen before in other reading programs) and yet is very student and teacher/parent friendly. I was frankly shocked by the price you are hoping to offer it for and am excited in particular for the opportunities Expeditions to excellence will be able to provide for low-income children. There is nothing out there that can come anywhere close to matching the quality, affordability, and depth of programming you’ve created.
Jon Smith, Special Educator, Douglas County School District, Colorado
Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to be introduced to Expeditions to Excellence. After carefully reviewing your program and reviewing other phonics programs that I’ve used in the past, you both have developed a truly wonderful and fun phonics reading program for children. Having worked professionally with children for the past 10 years and training new teaching staff at the college level for the last 2 years, I found myself piecemealing from the different programs already available not only to meet my educational objectives but also to meet the needs of the children’s individual learning abilities and styles.
I am a firm believer that the more senses a child uses in learning, the greater the retention – Expeditions to Excellence is a multi-sensory program with all the required and necessary components to teach reading using a “whole child” approach. I especially appreciate how this program is adaptable to children with developmental delays. I found Expeditions to Excellence’s step-by-step approach to set the child up for success at each level with activities to extend the child’s learning into many other areas of their lives (involving friends, family, etc.). Another area that I found refreshing is the use and type of music written and recorded to support each lesson. Simple, rhythmic tunes to foster and reinforce the different letter concepts of the fun sheets, while also introducing other more complex concepts (weather, months, etc.) in a fun up-beat way. Expeditions to Excellence is also written to support and enhance multi-cultural and diverse educational programs, which is always a big plus. Well done!
Janet M. Evans, ECE Military Training and Curriculum Specialist, EVE College Instructor, Early Childhood Education Specialist
It is with great enthusiasm that I recommend Expeditions to Excellence! Having been a teacher in the field of learning disabilities of over twenty years, I have encountered many educational programs. Expeditions to Excellence incorporates all the aspects of an exemplary reading program that is sequential and thorough in its approach, yet highly attractive and engaging in its material. This program could meet the needs of a broad range of socio-economic groups, as well as children with special needs. The fact that it has been made so readily affordable makes it accessible to schools, groups and individuals.
Denise Simmons, MA, Cherry Hills Christian School